Peep Diorama Contest
March Madness comes to peep-dom!
Thank you to all the peeple who have voiced their theme ideas for the 11th Annual Peep Diorama Contest! Which one will come out on top? The choice is up to you! Over the course of the month, vote weekly to choose the ultimate championship peep theme, which will be announced on Monday, March 31.
Submissions to the Peep Diorama contest will be April 9-12.
Voting will be April 14-19.
Winners will be announced April 21.
11th Annual Peep Diorama Contest Rules:
- Contest is open to Peep-le of all ages!
- One entry per person or group.
- Entry may be a diorama in a shoe or boot box, or a flat landscape (no box) – size not to exceed 14” x 8” base.
- Figures in the diorama should be made of peeps – but diorama must include at least ONE peep to qualify.
- Entries will be accepted at the Library Registration Station from Wednesday, April 9 through Saturday, April 12.
- Entries will be on display from Monday, April 14 through Saturday, April 19.
During this time ballots will be available for voting online and in the library. Voting will be by popular choice in each of three categories: most creative use of peeps, most representative of theme, and favorite overall. - Winners will be announced on Monday, April 21. Winners will receive fame, glory, and prizes!
- Entries will remain on display until Thursday, April 24. Entries not picked up by that time may be discarded (or eaten!)