Friends of the Norwich Public Library


The Friends of the Norwich Public Library will promote the goals of the Library. The Friends will initiate, coordinate and carry out:

  • Community service to encourage Library use and enjoyment
  • Special projects to support continuing education and learning for all
  • Fundraising to underwrite special Library projects and initiatives

Some of the projects we have sponsored in the past:

  • First Wednesdays lecture series series
  • Adult book discussion series
  • Summer reading program for children and teens
  • Adult and children’s audiobooks
  • New York Times subscription

Fundraising events sponsored by the Friends of the NPL include:

The Friends meet via Zoom the first Saturday of the month. For more information please contact the library.

We’re always looking for a few good volunteers… What are your interests? Do you have ideas for new fundraisers? Ideas for new library projects that we could support? Please contact us for more information.